Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Charcuterie Program

With our new menu just a couple of weeks away we've decided to go "all in" with our cheese and charcuterie. Most of you already know that we've been making our own sausages and fresh mozzarella since we opened, but just recently started curing and smoking bacon, pork cheeks (guanciale), duck prosciutto, saucisson, coppa, and dry cured peperone. The peperone you see to left are the first slices we've tried and they are awesome. Look for all of this goodness on the menu update coming soon!
As far as the cheese goes, we will continue to stretch our own fresh mozzarella, and are in the process of building a cheese press for some fresh farmers style cheeses that will be on the cheese board this winter.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Spruce Up!!!

Thanks everyone for being so patient these last couple of days while we repainted and installed new carpeting throughout the restaurant! My iphone pics don't do it justice, so you'll have to come down and see for yourself.

Just putting the finishing touches on our fall/winter menu changes, so keep an eye out for that as well.